Gorgeous Traditional Southern Baby Names

baby in daisies

A classic Southern name can add some character, family heritage or history to your baby's name. Whether you're having a baby boy or a girl, it can also be a unique choice if you live somewhere other than the South.

Traditional Southern Baby Names

The following tables provide dozens of traditional southern names for girls and boys. Some of these names could be used for either gender, so don't feel you have to limit your choices if the name you really like is on the list for the opposite gender you're looking for. You can modify the spelling of any name you want in order to fit your tastes.

Southern Baby Girl Names

Give your baby girl a name perfect for any southern belle.

Southern Names for Females A - L
Addison Avon Coralue Dorlea Floretta Idgie Jolinda Leona
Adelyn Azzelea Cordelia Dorrie Florie Idonna Jondie Leonette
Alain Belle Cordie Dossie Flossie Ileen Jonetta Lessie
Alcee Belva Corrine Doty Francine Ima Karen Leta
Aletta Berta Crealia Dovie Fredda Ina Karina Lettie
Alinda Beryl Cyndel Doxie Garnette Inza Kayla Lexie
Aline Betty Daisy Dulcie Geneva Iris Kerrie Lida
Allie Beulah Darcie Earline Genia Irna Kerrielyn Lila
Alli May Birdie Darlene Effie Georgia Ivory Kersey Lilliana
Alta Blondene Deana Elora Gillie Ivy Ladye Livy
Alva Carma Dearie Elvia Ginella Jace Lala Lodelle
Anjohnette Carrene Delilah Emmalee Glenzie Jacie Laney Lodena
Anise Charlese Delta Essie Lou Glyndal Janelle Larene Lola
Ardenia Charlotte Demetria Ethel Hallie Janetta LaRue Lorna
Ardessie Claretta Derinda Ethelyn Harlowe Jeanene Latrice Lottie
Ariel Clarise Dilma Etta Hattie Jearlene Lavenia Louisa
Arnette Classie Dixie Eudora Heddie Jesslyn Laverne Love
Arthell Claudell Docie Eugenia Hollis Jettie Leesie Lucinda
Arvelle Clora Dollias Eulah Honey JoEllen Lela Ludie
Aubrey Clover Dollie Euphia Hydrangea Joetta Leora Lula Jean
Audine Colee Dolly Excelia Ida Johanna Lemon Lula Mae
Augusta Corace Dora Felanda Iday Jolene Leola Luna
Southern Names for Baby Girls M - Z
Maggie Neely Quida Roslyn Sidda Truetta Vesta Zadie
Marianna Neicy Quinnie Rossie Snowdia Trula Vida Zekie
Marietta Nessie Racine Rovena Starr Truly Vinnia Zenna
Marigold Neva Ramelle Rowena Stella Tula Vinnie Zera
Marsella Nonnie Ramey Roxie Summer Tywla Violet Zerah
Marveen Odella Rannie Ruby Suzanna Una Vira Zina
Marzie Odessa Rayanne Sadie Suzanne Undine Vollie Zollie
Mavis Olivia Raylene Savannah Suzy Urleen Vonnie Zora
Mavonne Oneida Reba Scarlet Sylvie Valentine Waldine
Mazie Onie Reby Selene Tandy Vallie Wavie
Mearil Onita Renetta Selina Tarsey Veda Waynetta
Melanie Opal Renita Selma Taryn Velda Weegie
Mellie Oprah Reona Serena Tennie Vella Welda
Mercedes Ora Rexanna Serilda Teola Velma Wendolyn
Merripennie Oralene Rhea Serita Teressa Velora Wilma
Mertie Othella Rhetta Shanetta Thellie Venea Wilomena
Michie Pansy Rilda Shanny Theolyn Veolia Winifred
Mimi Pauline Rita Sharon Thyra Verdia Winona
Mona Philomina Roma Sharoda Tiara Verena Wynona
Monnie Posey Rona Shelby Tipper Vernetta Xandi
Myrtle Primrose Ronna Sherilyn Tisha Vernie Ximenia
Narine Prissy Rosalie Sherlyn Trellie Verona Yonnie
Neecy Queen Rosebud Shulda Trennie Versie Yrine

Southern Baby Boy Names

If you want your baby boy's name to sound like the perfect southern gentleman, consider the following popular southern guy names.

Southern Baby Boy Names A - L
Abbott Bertie Cash Delmore Farris Grover Jackson Landy
Abner Bertis Chappell DeLois Felton Hal Jasper Larkin
Almon Bishop Chester DeLoyd Finnes Hampton Jed Lavon
Alonzo Blanton Claiborne Derman Finney Handley Jefferson Lealon
Angus Bodie Cody De'Wayne Ford Hardy Jessie Lehman
Ardy Bo Cole Dilly Forrest Harley Joby Lelon
Arie Booker Collie Dow Foster Harlon Jud Lester
Arlen Borden Cooper Duke Foxworth Harrison Judson Leverette
Ashton Braxton Corbet Dural Fulton Hartley Kellis Liddell
Auburn Brock Corwin Edison Garland Haywood Kemper Linton
Audie Buford Cotton Elliott Garnet Henny King Lipscomb
Balfour Burl Coy Elvis General Herlin Knox Lofton
Barkely Burns Cramer Emerson Glyndon Houston Krandall Lordell
Barton Cade Crawford Emon Gomer Hoyle Lafayette Lorece
Beau Camp Cyrus Emory Grady Hoyt Lamoyne Lovell
Bedford Carlisle Dalton Estus Graham Hudspeth Landis Loyce
Benny Carroll Darcy Euel Granville Hunt Lannis Luster
Bennett Carthoris Dees Evan Gray Innis Lamont Lymon
Berthold Carver Delford Ewin Grayson Irving Landon Lyndell
Southern Names for Baby Boys M - Z
Mackey Odean Preston Royce Skelly Theodis Vardaman Wilber
Macon Odus Purnell Rubie Sky Theron Vaudy Wlikie
Maness O'Hara Quincy Rudean Sloan Thomas Verniss Wilkins
Mason Olean Quinn Ruffin Smith Tilden Vernon Willard
Merle Onzell Quinton Rufus Snowden Tobias Versell Willett
Merton Opie Rain Runnels Solly Totten Vess Wilmer
Miller Oren Ramsey Ryland Spencer Trace Vester Wilson
Mims Orville Raney Sage Stanlee Travis Victor Wilty
Monroe Pascal Rastus Sanford Stanton Trennis Vonne Wimbly
Montrell Pate Raybon Sailor Stennis Trenton Ward Winston
Montrose Patton Rayford Saylor Sterling Troupe Warrick Wyatt
Monty Paxton Redell Schuyler Stokes Trueman Warry Wylie
Moody Pearman Redmond Searcy Storey Truitt Watson Wyman
Murle Pellman Redrick Sebren Stratton Truston Watt Wynell
Murphy Percy Reece Seldon Street Tucker Waverly Xonner
Newton Pernoe Rider Shad Strom Tullis Waylon Zabe
Noble Pervis Roby Shade Sydell Tully Waymon Zan
Norbert Pratt Roger Sharp Talbert Urliss Waymond Zane
Norborne Prebble Rowan Sherwood Talbot Urston Welton Zebulon
Norland Prentice Rowe Shuler Tanner Utrell Wesley Zeke
Nubert Prentiss Royal Singleton Tennesee Vaden Weston

Choose Old-Fashioned Southern Names for Boy and Girl Babies

This list provides an overarching view of the many Southern names available to choose from. Southern names have a gentle charm to them that will remind you of the old south every time you speak your baby's name.

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Gorgeous Traditional Southern Baby Names