Choosing Large Wooden Rocking Chairs

Wooden rocking chairs with heart-shaped cutouts
What type of rocker do you need?

You may have memories of large wooden rocking chairs on your grandmother's or great aunt's front porch. The rhythmic motion was hypnotizing whether you were doing the rocking or being rocked by someone else. Today, you can comfort your baby in a rocking chair in much the same way you were comforted.

Choosing a Rocking Chair

Before you head to the store to try and capture the past, consider what features you are looking for in large wooden rocking chairs.

  • What type of wood do you prefer? Rocking chairs can be constructed out of a variety of woods, including ash, cedar, oak, and pine.
  • What size chair do you want? Do you want a chair that is big enough for you spread out in comfort? Maybe you want a chair that could actually seat an adult and a small child side by side comfortably.
  • Do you need cushions? While many people love the charm of a wooden rocking chair, they may not think they are actually comfortable. You can rectify that by purchasing large, comfy back and seat cushions.

Buying Advice

Large wooden rocking chairs need plenty of room, so if you are planning on placing one of these in your baby's nursery consider the size and the placement of the chair. Not only do you need room for the chair to sit comfortably, but you also need to allow enough space for the chair to rock back and forth without bumping into the wall or other pieces of furniture. Keep in mind that most rocking chairs will "walk" across the room when being used. You can lessen this movement somewhat by placing a throw rug under the chair. Still, you won't want to use large wooden rocking chairs in very small spaces.

Sites and Resources

You can custom order a rocking chair from a local craftsman, or you may be able to find just what you are looking for at a local furniture shop. The following sites also offer wooden rocking chairs for sale.


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Choosing Large Wooden Rocking Chairs