Feeding Baby

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feeding baby

When your baby is first born, you'll feel like all you do is feed her, change her, and watch her sleep. As your baby grows, however, her nutritional needs will change. Not sure what, when, or how to feed your baby? Help is just a click away.

Feeding Your Newborn

What can you expect from your baby when it comes to feeding time? Well, your baby will need to eat frequently at first. In fact, you'll probably be feeding her every two hours or so. Most pediatricians now recommend feeding on demand. Your baby will continue to have growth spurts, and she may get hungrier more often at different periods in her life. If you feed her whenever she gets hungry, you'll soon recognize some semblance of a schedule, and you can plan your daytime activities accordingly.

Breast or Bottle

You're probably getting lots of advice on both right now, so how do you know what is best for you and your baby? Pediatricians recommend that mothers breastfeed their babies for the first twelve months. Today, however formulas are fortified, and formula-fed babies can grow up healthy and happy. In the end, it is a personal choice. One of the most important things you can do for yourself and your baby, however, is to become educated and well-informed about all of your choices.

If you do choose to breastfeed, read our great articles on topics, including best breastfeeding positions, breastfeeding and working moms, and weaning. We also cover all the critical health topics relating to breast milk.

Solid Food and Baby

Sometime between your baby's fourth and sixth month, you'll begin introducing solid foods. Should you choose organic baby foods? We give you the scoop as well as information on food-related allergies.

As your baby grows into a toddler, she can handle more options. However, you still need to steer clear of foods that could be choking hazards, such as hot dogs, grapes, hard candies, and popcorn.

Feeding Baby